
Can You Vapour Blast Plastic?

One of the biggest questions we get is can you vapour blast plastic? In the following demonstrations we show how you can effectively clean both plastic and rubber parts using a vapor honing system. Secondly, we use a fine mesh glass bead to clean rubber and plastic with Vapor Blasting.

Restore History

Restoring history with a vapor honing system can be the most rewarding hobby or job in the world. If you’ve ever encountered a plastic or rubber part that you needed to clean up you normally didn’t think to run to your blasting cabinet. Traditional sand blasting would destroy these delicate and fragile parts. However with a vapor honing system you can vapour blast plastic without fear of damaging the parts. I remember the first customer that called in and their first question was can you vapour blast plastic? My response wasn’t expected when I told them that they could. A vapor blasting system is a valuable tool in your workshop if you turn wrenches and can be used on almost any surface for coating prep, coating removal, general parts cleaning, and of course the best of all surface finishing or OEM finishing.

Our Vapor Blast

In addition, our Vapor Blasters have a slurry pump that agitates the water in the cabinet to mix the abrasive and the water. This also primes the mixture into the blasting gun. You use an average of 60 working PSI, starting off about 5″ away and going into 1″ away if necessary. Therefore will clean rubber and plastic, making rubbers like carburetor boots soft. Keep blasting and this will loosen up the rubber without hurting it.

Can you vapour blast plastic? This one question will also leads into many advantages of this revolutionary system. Within our company we like to ask what cant vapour blasting work on?

After 10 years of manufacturing, designing and building the finest vapor blasting equipment the opportunities are endless. If you need more information on how to vapour blast plastic please call or email the sales team to learn more today.

After reading and watching our videos you too will be able to answer the question “Can you vapour blast plastic?”

If you want to learn more about vapor blasting click here to learn the many major benefits and advantages of this revolutionary process.

can you vapour blast plastic
vapor blasting rubber
vapor blasting plastic
vapor honing plastic

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