
What Are the Advantages of A Two-Person Vapor Honing Machine?

What Are the Advantages of A Two-Person Vapor Honing Machine?

Are you considering getting a two-person station for your vapor honing cabinet? Well, a two-person blasting station is a great addition to your machine. However, it is only offered on our VH 4000. Regardless, here are the advantages to having a two-person vapor honing machine.

Two-Person Vapor Hone Reduces Time Spent Blasting

A two-person blasting station is great at reducing time spent blasting large parts. For instance, if only one person were blasting a huge engine, it could take almost an hour. However, with the two-person vapor honing machine you can blast that part in half an hour. This is because you have two people attacking that same part of once. Instead of one person blasting one section, and then jostling with your part to get it at the correct angle to blast the next area. Due to the lack of time taken up to maneuver your part to correct position for blasting, you are able to get more done in your shop. With a two-person blasting station you have two people attacking one part at the same time cutting the blasting time by half, allowing you more time to blast other parts and work on other projects.

Two-Person Vapor Honing Machine Provides Twice the Work in One Session

While a two-person vapor honing machine reduces time spent blasting larger parts, it also does twice the work in one session for smaller parts. For instance, say you have two identical parts. In a one person blasting system they would be processed separately. With the two-person setup you can blast them simultaneously. By blasting them at the same time, you get the work done in a shorter period of time. This is great if you work for a company that is blasting hundreds or thousands of small parts each day. With a two-person vapor honing machine, that company will not have to blast those parts all day, but instead work on other tasks as well. For small parts, you can double the amount of work done in a two-person vapor honing machine, allowing your company to work on other projects.


A two-person vapor honing machine cuts down your time by hitting bigger parts at the same time. It also allows you to blast small parts together so you are not blasting all day. Both of these save you a bunch of time that you can then use to finish more projects, increasing your company’s income. For more information on vapor honing machines, or to get the best wet blasting equipment on the market, please contact us at (828) 202-5563.

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